ETH Research Stations

Agrovet-Strickhof (ZH)

Enlarged view: AgroVet_Strickhof
The main site of AgroVet-Strickhof in Lindau. Photo: AgroVet-Stickhof

At the external pageAgroVet-Strickhof Education and Research Centre, ETH Zurich works closely with the Vetsuisse Faculty of the University of Zurich and the Strickhof Competence Centre for Agriculture and Food Management.

Agrovet-Strickhof covers the four sites external pageLindau (ZH), external pageWülflingen (ZH), external pageFrüebüel (Walchwil ZG) and external pageAlp Weissenstein (Bergün GR). They are located at different altitudes and therefore complement each other in an optimal way.

Früebüel (Walchwil ZG) Photo: Schweiz.Eidgenossenschaft
Alp Weissenstein
Alp Weissenstein (Bergün GR) Photo: Schweiz. Eidgenossenschaft

ETH-Research Station for Plant Sciences

Enlarged view: Eschikon
ETH-Research Station for Plant Sciences in Lindau. Photo: Frank Liebisch

The research station for plant sciences in Lindau is being used by several groups of the department Environmental Systems Science and Biology. It offers state-of-the-art glasshouse, growth cabinet, lab and field facilities for basic and applied research.

Furthermore, the research station is important for the exercises and field trips that are organized for the students.  

Link to ETH-Research Station for Plant Sciences incl. situation and building plans

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